Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's almost December, and I'm still wearing shorts and a t-shirt

Hey guys. Sorry for those of you who've been waiting on the edge of your seats for this new post. I almost forgot to update it! It is now Monday morning, but since it's still Sunday where you are I guess that means I can get away with it :)

There's not much for me to report this week. I've been pretty busy with my paper, which is due next week, and preparing for the Shijing 詩經 conference, which is this upcoming weekend. It seems like I'm going to be the English MC. Scary. Of course, I can't wait until it's over. On the positive side, there will be a couple of scholars from the United States coming-- people who it will be good to have been acquainted with if I should go for my Ph.D in the States later.

In other news, I'm thinking about switching up my schedule. Lately, I've been waking up around 9 and spending the majority of the morning relaxing. After lunch, I go into "work" mode until dinner and then after dinner I go back into work mode until I fall asleep around 1am or so. While it works, it is kind of hard to get motivated when you've been just sort of kicking around all morning.

Share your thoughts!

Gotta run!

1 comment:

  1. I think you should work first and then relax at night :) That's what I like to do anyway.

